Video Walls vs Projectors for Large-Scale Displays

October 12, 2021

Are you planning a large-scale display for your event or business? If yes, then you might be debating between video walls and projectors. Don't worry; we're here to compare the two display technologies and help you decide which option is best for you.

Video Walls

Video walls are made up of multiple screens linked together to display one image. They are popular in control rooms, airports, and sports arenas where large-scale displays are required.


  • Superior picture quality: With advancements in LED display technology, video walls have some of the best display resolutions in the market.
  • Brightness levels: Video walls can reach brightness levels of up to 5000 nits, which makes it ideal for outdoor viewing in daylight.
  • Customizable: Video walls can be customized to fit a specific space or configuration. They come in different shapes and sizes.


  • Price: Video walls are expensive to install and maintain.
  • Installation: They require professional installation and a stable structure to support the weight of the screens.


Projectors project images onto a flat surface using light. They are popular in classrooms, home theaters, and conference rooms.


  • Versatility: Projectors are versatile and can be used for various applications such as home theater, business presentations, and gaming.
  • Cost-effective: Compared to video walls, projectors are relatively cheaper to buy and maintain.


  • Image quality: Projectors may not have the same image quality as video walls, especially in well-lit environments.
  • Maintenance: Projectors require regular maintenance, such as changing lamps and lens cleaning.

Video Walls vs Projectors: Which is best for you?

The answer is, it depends on your specific needs. If you need a large-scale display with superior image quality and don't mind spending more money, go for video walls. However, if you want a versatile display option that is relatively cost-effective, go for projectors.


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